Saturday, December 29, 2012


Harapan..... Harapan menjadi layu. 

See a statement and picture right? 
19.12.2012 me take mypmr's result. YaAllah. Only god know how myfeeling at the time and one days before. My heart always say me already to do a good. Whts my result, me can accept.
Before go to school, me salam and cium2 mymamito. My mother cannot go to school because she had other work. Myheart likes YaAllah! dup dap dup dap. Yes! me target 6A's.

Reach at school, me meet my all friends. well~ ada yang menangis, ada yang happy and more. I was shocked when i know myfriend result's is so down! Yes! Me just take myresult dalayed cause me not ready to saw.

Teacher's forced me to take early. Me just redha. When i looked myresult. YALLAH! Alhamdulillah me dont have D. Im lulus. I continue to call my mother and when me hears her voice suddently my tears is flow................................. After that saya terus call sidia <3

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